PILOT PHASE 1 IN “ST. CYRIL AND METHODIUS” KYUSTENDIL In the period 31.05 – 07.06.2023, a pilot study (phase 1) was conducted with students from 2e, 3e and 4e grade…
Erasmus+ Project KA3 – Support for Policy Reform 612872-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD
PILOT PHASE 1 IN “ST. CYRIL AND METHODIUS” KYUSTENDIL In the period 31.05 – 07.06.2023, a pilot study (phase 1) was conducted with students from 2e, 3e and 4e grade…
PILOT PHASE 1 IN “ST. CYRIL AND METHODIUS” KYUSTENDIL In the period 30.05 – 13.06.2023, a pilot study /phase 1/ was conducted with students from St. Kliment Ohridski Primary School.…
PILOT PHASE 2 IN 180 KINDERGARTEN “WHITE RABBIT”- GERMAN, PANCJAREVO MUNICIPALITY, SOFIA Children from kindergarten 180 “White Rabbit” German village on 17.03.2023 participate in a pilot study phase 2 of…
PILOT PHASE 2 IN ” STEFAN PESHEV” PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL IN SEVLIEVO On 03.04.2023 a pilot study phase 2 was conducted with students from “Stefan Peshev” Primary School in…
PILOT PHASE 2 IN “ST. PAISII HILENDARSKI” KYUSTENDIL On 04.04.2023 the pilot study phase 2 is initiated with children from St. Kliment Ohridski Primary School. Paisii Hilendarski” under the project…
PILOT PHASE 2 IN KINDERGARTEN “ZORNITSA” HASKOVO In kindergarten “Zornitsa” Haskovo on 10.04.2023 a pilot study / phase 2 / was conducted under the project “Robotics v/s bullying” – Erasmus+…
Teacher’s name: Radostina Dasheva – 6th Elementary School “St. Paisius Hilendarski”- city: Kyustendil Title of the game : I solve problems with RoBy and Maya General aim of the game:…
Teacher’s name: Tsvetanka Petrova, Silvia Genova – kindergarten “Zornitsa” Haskovo Title of the game : Children tell stories with Roby General aim of the game: Children learn to tell a…
Teacher’s name: Velichka Drashkova – Primary School “Stefan Peshev” Sevlievo Title of the game “Simon Says” General aim of the game: Application of educational robotics to the provision of communication…
Teacher’s name: D. Draganova, G. Kostadinova – 66 Preschool and kindergarten “ Elitsa” – Pancharevo Title of the game: I walk my own path General aim of the game: Through…
Teacher’s name: Velichka Drashkova – “Stefan Peshev” elementary school, Sevlievo city Title of the game : Roby tells a story General aim of the game: Application of the knowledge about…
Teacher’s names: Velichka Drashkova, Desislava Aleksieva – “Stefan Peshev” elementary school, Sevlievo city Title of the game: RoBy and the Colours General aim of the game: During the game, children:…
Teacher’s name: V. Antonova, M. Georgieva – 66 Preschool and kindergarten “ Elitsa” – Pancharevo Title of the game : Emotive Don’t be angry, Child General aim of the game:…
Teacher’s name: Mariana Georgieva – 66 Preschool and kindergarten “ Elitsa” – Pancharevo Title of the game : Autumn through children’s eyes General aim of the game: The game develops…
Teacher’s name: Polina Kostova – 66 Preschool and kindergarten “ Elitsa” – Pancharevo Title of the game : In Space – Lunar Station General aim of the game: During the…
Teacher’s name: Vanina Mineva – 66 Preschool and kindergarten “ Elitsa” – Pancharevo Titleofthegame : ART PHOTOGRAPHY General aim of the game: 1. Children feel the different types of emotions…
Teacher’s name: Pavlina Kazakova – 182 Preschool and kindergarten “ Bee” – Pasarel Title of the game : Let’s count to 5 General aim of the game: During the game,…
Teacher’s name: Bettina Ivanova – 182 Preschool and kindergarten “The little Bee” – Pasarel village. Title of the game : Children’s Laboratory “The Magic of Water” General aim of the…
Teacher’s name: L. Minkova – 66 Preschool and kindergarten “ Elitsa” – Pancharevo Title of the game : In the Field/Labirinth,Maze/ of the feelings General aim of the game: Students…
Teacher’s name: Evgenia Chakarova Title of the game: “People’s labor and their profession” General aim of the game: Through educational robotics, children form a concept about professions and the labor…
Title of the game: In mom’s kitchen Teacher’s name: Tsvetelina Atanasova 66 “Elitsa” Pancharevo General aim of the game: Children get to know different cuisines through canned food and share…
ОУ „Георги Димитров“ , Босилеград, “Първи стъпки с ROBY” С голяма радост и удоволствие децата от детската градина в Босилеград се запознаха с ROBY. По време на заниманието проявиха любопитство…
ОУ „Георги Димитров“ , Босилеград, Проект „Роботика срещу насилие“ в часа по математика С много емоции и ентусиазъм ученици от 1 клас демонстрират екипна работа с ROBY в часа по…
24.01.23 ДГ 66 „Елица“ – Панчарево; 3 група „Пинокио“ Есента през детските очички и ръчички Зима е, но без сняг. Времето е необичайно топло. Духат силни ветрове. Вали дъжд. Как…
20.01.2023 ОУ „Стефан Пешев“ град Севлиево Предизвикателствата на ROBY Деца от ОУ „Стефан Пешев“ играят на предизвикателства с ROBY. По време на играта отговарят на въпроси и изпълняват желания. 20.01.2023…
19.02.2023 ДГ 66 „Елица“ Панчарево, град София 2 група „Синчец“ Морско пътешествие Децата разказват за познати морски обитатели: акула, кит, морско конче делфин. По характерни белези разграничават бозайници и риби.…
12.01.2023 ДГ66″Елица” Панчарево, град София IVгр.”Мечо Пух” Сладко вълшебство Продукти с Роби събери, рецепта изпълни и сладки оформи. Post Views: 5.815
На 11.01. 2023 г. В ОУ «ст.Пешев» град Севлиево Ученици от Ученици от 3г и 4г клас в нетрадиционен урок показват колко хубаво е до себе си да имаш верен…