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European Pole of Knowledge – I.C. Bosco Chiesanuova – Italy – Project’s Coordinator
European Pole Of Knowledge ” Europole” pic number: 903673632 is a public body, no-profit – network of educational Institutions (about 4000 Organizations) among them researchers, Universities, adult education organizations, Regional Administrations, VET schools, NGOs, cooperatives, and schools of every order and Degree at national level working for the European social and educational integration; Its main fields of activities are to promote the European dimension and integration through European and extra – European workshops, seminars, conferences, partnerships and projects. Europole network is coordinating “umbrella activities” involving every time the greatest possible number of institutions of the consortium. Europole network works in every field of education, from ITC to in-service training courses for teachers, from Kindergarten’s sectors to adult education in prison and in rural areas. It works also against social exclusion, xenophobia, and racism, helping to break any kind of gender stereotypes among different cultures and religions. It also works for training students, for a second chance school, in intercultural learning and youth workers’, vocational training field. The 4000 institutions, members of the network, are working with learners at risk of social and cultural exclusion: immigrants, refugees, drop-out and learners with separated parents, social-psychological borderline situations, bullish, learners with disabilities and other special needs.
https://www.europole.org/en/ |
Consejería de Educación is the Department of Education of the Autonomous Government of Castilla y León. Spain
Two principal administrative units of the institution are involved on the project; the Directorate General of Vocational Training, Special Regime and Educational Equity and the Directorate General of Innovation and Teacher Training. The Directorate General of Vocational Training, Special Regime and Educational Equity has within its competencies the qualification and re-qualification of students who leave the educational system prematurely; planning the academic organization, curricular design, and the elaboration pedagogical guidelines and elaboration of curricular materials for the development of the teaching function, planning and management of teachers on service training on the topics of its competences, promoting relations with different institutions, especially with universities and companies; planning and management of resources for the attention for pupils with specific educational needs; planning and management the educational and psycho-pedagogical guidance; development of measures for organizing and operating on public schools and has involved the Educational Counselling and multi professional team for the Equity in Castilla y León. The Directorate General of Innovation and Teacher Training is competent in the design, coordination and development of educational innovation programs, registration, and certification of permanent teacher training; it works on the promotion of research on topics related to the permanent training of teachers as well as the promotion and support for the internationalization of the non-university educational system. The development of innovative curricular materials and support for the teachings of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education as well as the development and management of learning resources through telematic means is also within its competencies; this Directorate has selected the Regional Teaching Training Centre in ICT and the Higher Teacher training Center to take part in the project.
Panevezys District Education Centre (PRSC) is a public non-profit organization founded by the Council of Panevėžys District Municipality in 1995. It is located in Panevėžys, Lithuania. The purposes of Education Center are to develop professional competence of the members of schools‘ communities and promote the dissemination of perspective pedagogical innovations. It provides in-service training for the communities of 20 schools situated mainly in Panevėžys district. While fulfilling the vision of a life-long learning society, Education Centre responds to the priorities of the national educational, schools and individual trainees‘ needs. While reflecting upon the challenges and needs of the present educational context, Education Center offers needed quality trainings, workshops, seminars and consultations for its audience. It reacts upon the requests of education orientated communities and facilitates courses by needed experts and acknowledged trainers-practitioners. Education Centre presents activities and learning partnership projects as well as develops relationships with various communities, (non-)governmental organizations and foreign partners. For instance, during 2017–2020, with partners from Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Greece, Poland, Germany, North Macedonia, Croatia and Malta, Education Center implemented nine “Erasmus+“ projects. It also coordinates the Third Age University of Panevezys district which involves 666 senior students.
Website: www.prpsc.lt Contact us by email
MAKE IT BETTER – Associacão para a Inovacão e Economia Social, – Portugal
Make it Better (miB) is a private, non-profit, NGO, settled in South Alentejo, Portugal, that capitalizes the experience of its promoters of more than 18 years of joint work and cooperation with public and private organizations in Portugal, Europe and as well in several other parts of the world (South America, Africa and Asia). It complies a multidisciplinary team that give powerful input in umbrella areas, such as sustainable development, education, social responsibility, social economy and social entrepreneurship, in the different frames where most disadvantaged groups are settled. In its action miB intends to: create, develop, adapt and apply sustainable and responsible work models and tools, cooperating and supporting the most disadvantaged groups. Its mission is the development of human society, in all its dimensions, namely, economic, social, environmental and cultural, linked to moral duties of solidarity and justice and all the other values registered in its charter of principles. Make it Better is an official member of: the General Council for Education of Cuba; the Commission for the Protection of Youth and Children; the Council for Local Social Action.
Website: www.mibworld.org
Usak Provicial National Education directorate is a governmental organization in charge with all kinds of educational and training activities from pre-school education to adult education. Our organization is responsible for all education and training including adult education and training activities in Central Uşak and districts of Uşak. Details of educational institutions are ; preschool educations,primary schools, general high schools, disabled schools, vocational high schools, apprentice education centers and public education centres. The number of the staff is 150.
Website: http://usak.meb.gov.tr
The association Friends of Education was established on 22 May 2014. The members of the association ‘Friends of Education’ are teachers, professors and ICT experts who share the same passion: continuous professional development, high-quality teaching and student-centred learning. The vision of the association is a commitment towards the process of modernization of the education process by using digitalized resources but at the same time humanizing it by adopting a holistic way of teaching and learning. The association strives to give a new meaning to the education process itself. The mission, on the national level, is finding a way to establish a centre for pedagogical design and producing digital resources as well as creating plans and programs for teacher training on how to use digital resources in class. Internationally the mission is establishing and maintaining a stable network with an international organization in order to provide and ensure best quality education.
Website: www.friends-of-education.org
The University of Burgos (UBU) was founded in 1994 and since then it has assumed an important role in the local and regional economy, as well as in the larger scientific development responding to social demands and developing wide research networks (e.g. integrated research between the university, private sector, public institutions, and civil society organizations). UBU is also committed with diversity and inclusion , by developing a huge research and educative activity related to social inclusion with different populations at risk of exclusion (due to cognitive, sensorial, psychological, physical, cultural, gender or economic issues) through several regional, national and European projects. In addition, since 2002/2003 UBU has a specific service to respond to diversity, with the main purpose of guaranteeing equal opportunities for university students with disabilities.
Website: www.ubu.es
Association ARID is a private non-governmental organization oriented on the promotion and development of the idea of lifelong learning. The scope of the Association’s activities covers a variety of topics. The Association specializes in vocational training (VET) but also, in accordance with the idea of lifelong learning, conducts training for adults as well as school education. In the dynamically changing modern World, it is necessary to constantly improve your qualifications, develop skills and expand your knowledge. It is also important to face nowadays challenges connected to problems which are appearing every day in the life of all ARID’s target groups. The activities carried out by the Association meet these needs by organizing many different trainings, lectures and courses. The employees and trainers working in the Association are highly qualified staff in terms of both education and professional skills. In addition, the Association cooperates with numerous professionals (eg teachers, social workers, prison employees, tutors of disabled people, etc.) as well as public and private institutions from various branches (eg universities, research institutes, prison inspectorate, schools for disabled children, etc.). Since few years ARID actively participate in various international schemes, through a well-established network of partners abroad, based on intense past experience. Association cooperates with more than 50 various international organizations from Europe and also from US and South America. Association participated in few international multilateral projects. Those projects were realized in the frame of Life Long Learning Programme like Grundtvig Multilateral Project and Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation. Currently, since 2014, Association is working in Erasmus+ Programme. Association is involved in 20 projects in the frame of the Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnerships.
Website: www.arid.org.pl
SINAPTICA Association is an NGO established in 2015. Alongside this main organisation, there are 2 independent branches established in North and South-West of Romania. Currently, SINAPTICA have a permanent staff of 2 people. SINAPTICA is active in several fields education, culture, professional training, development and implementation of projects and organisational management. Since its establishment, the association have implemented 18 projects and provided 4 organisational development counselling.
Website: www.sinaptica.ro
KITE – Kino Information Technology Education – Bulgaria
Kino Information Technology Education (KITE) is a Private SME – research and education organization established in 2007. It is active in the implementation of educational projects on an international and national scale, developing and supporting the implementation of modern educational practices that help teachers to answer more adequately to the learners’ needs in the dynamic and ever-changing contemporary world. Some of the objectives of KITE ltd. are to support establishment of relations of tolerance, agreement, mutual respect and co-operation in national, regional, European and international aspect; to encourage and support the free exchange of ideas and good practices; to assist to sustainable development and progress of the society throughout initiatives that contribute to the dissemination of knowledge, etc. On the national level KITE ltd. cooperates with educational institutions (schools and universities), other non-profit organizations and local municipal authorities. KITE supports a strong network of Universities and schools in Bulgaria, offering wide dissemination and implementation field for innovative initiatives with over 150 active partners, kindergartens, schools, and close connection regional and national administration level. The KITE expert team provides teacher training in alternative and interactive implementation of technologies in the classroom.
The Clementoni Group deals with the invention, manufacturing, promotion and distribution of games and toys. The Italian company started out to help children learn while having fun, fostering their growth using the language they know best and what comes to them naturally: playing. Following a precise strategy, in these years the company pursued continuous product innovation that brought a wide and diversified range of educational toys to life, all conceived, designed and developed in the Recanati headquarters by a team that has grown over the years to include over 50 young researchers. The main Clementoni factory is located in Recanati where about 60% of total production, in number of pieces, is produced and, specifically, all toys with paper and cardboard parts such as Sapientino and puzzles, but also classic building blocks. The Clementoni range now includes toys for children aged 0 months to 12 years and older, starting from early childhood with the Baby Clementoni, Disney Baby and Clemmy lines; next come the world of pre-school and educational games dominated by the famous Sapientino brand; the Science&Play range scientific games, the ultra-modern tablets Made in Clementoni and mini computers; Art Attack and Crazy Chic creative toys without overlooking the “classics”, Recreational toys, Tombole and the highly acclaimed Puzzles. An extraordinarily wide range of toys for all ages that grew up with entire generations of children.
Website: http://www.clementoni.com