Robotic Versus Bullying Network

The community Network

The Robotic Versus Bullying community network is composed by 3 levels:

1. The Board  –  elected among the project’s partners. They have the task to accept or not new school members and teachers in the network.

2. Pole schools (reference schools) of Robotic versus bullying – Those schools are the front-line of the network and directly involved in using robotics material to prevent Bullying.

The pole schools are in charge to be a reference point in every country for other teachers and schools for any information about the project , the games, and how to become member of the network.

3. The schools and teachers members of the network.

The schools member of the network have the only task to upload on the website, any invented and creative work concerning the project and its topic. They can also publish any activity, research and result on the platform.

The Robotic Versus Bullying is a branch of the umbrella community worldnetwork

National Project's coordinators
Robotics versus bullying Pole schools
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Schools and teachers members of the network

Join us on the Project’s on the Community National chats

International Chat of the Robotics Vs Bullying Community on viber

Italian Chat of the Robotics Vs Bullying Community on viber

North Macedonia Chat of the Robotics Vs Bullying Community on viber